Eucalyptus Robusta Tropical species. Must be grown under cover in the UK. Fast growing and attractive leathery leaves green to coppery red.
Eucalyptus Teriticornis Very tender tropical species. Attractive green to red juvenile leaves. Grow under cover in the UK.
Eucalyptus Polyanthamos Red Box. Small tree. Attractive juvenile heart shaped leaves. Popular with florists. Can have scrubby appearance as a tree.
Eucalyptus Diversicolor Karri. Very large tree. Largest tree in Western Australia. Must be grown indoors or in sheltered places in SW . Attractive reddish - green juvenile foliage.. Good timber.
Eucalyptus Camaldulensis River Red Gum. Medium to tall tree. Tender tree. Popular with Koalas. Must be grown under protection or in sheltered SW location.