Eucalyptus Diversicolor Karri. Very large tree. Largest tree in Western Australia. Must be grown indoors or in sheltered places in SW . Attractive reddish - green juvenile foliage.. Good timber.
Eucalyptus Melliodora Yellow Box. Medium tree. Tender in the UK. Best honey tree of all the Eucalypts. Attractive white flaking bark and beautiful juvenile small light heart shaped leaves.
Eucalyptus Grandis Flooded Gum 9 Eastern Blue gum. Tall tree ranging from 140 to 180 ft. Timber used for house construction and immature trees are sawn for fruit cages. Fast growing. Extensively planted overseas. Tender sub tropical species. Attractive red stems at immature leaf stage. Popular Koala fodder.
Eucalyptus Maculata Spotted Gum (Bloodwood group) Large tree on favourable sites. Attractive tree. Timber of good quality. Tender temperate to sub tropical. Attractive juvenile leaves. Popular Koala fodder.